Saturday, October 16, 2010


I spoke with Kristina this morning and she was in great spirits as Layne had a peaceful and restful night last night. Kris was able to hold her close the day before. This brings such joy to my heart for her. She said they were getting acquainted with the hospice nurse who just so happens to have been Julie's nurse during their time with their little girl. Julie and Kristina were brought together by God through a simple email and they have formed a bond that will never be broken. Julie was there for Layne's birth and has been there for Kris weeks before the birth to answer questions, pray or just talk. I'm very thankful for her friendship to Kristina. She has been such an encouragement.
That brings us to Ashley Bray. I was having a BBTN show and talking with my hostess and friend about Kristina's situation back in August. She told me about the Bray family and what they went through. Well, Ashley placed an order with me over the phone and she was so sweet to tell me her contact info just in case Kristina needed someone to talk to. I took it straight to Kristina and Kristina had already read their story via blog world... So, one thing led to another and they begin emailing. Before Kristina went in, Ashley let her know that she wanted to be there. I will never forget when Kristina told me that . She was amazed that Ashley who did not know her, who lived over an hour away, wanted to be there for her. And she was! Along with her sweet husband. As we sat in the waiting room, we became acquainted and we have a few mutual friends. They are a precious couple. God has totally put these 2 ladies that have dealt with the same thing in Kris' life and it's amazing to see.
Please continue prayers for the Gaston family. There has been much much joy already and there will be hardships to face. Layne's heart condition is considered severe. They are preparing to all go home soon. Her family has set up a caring bridge site.

This is a picture from yesterday (Friday) when Layne was dressed in a gown and hat Kristina has had waiting on her for weeks. If you look closely, her initials are monogrammed in white.