Monday, February 4, 2008

Time to Share

T had a wonderful, dear friend he met in college at Delta State. He was in our wedding and I got the chance to see him one more time a few years ago on the golf course. T regrets not taking more time out to keep in touch. He passed away from a long, hard fight with cancer a little over 2 years ago. He left behind 3 children and a precious wife.

His name was Shan.

His wife keeps up with their caring bridge site and I read where she has been keeping up with a baby boy who has leukemia. Of course I venture reluctantly to his website..( I don't do well with suffering children. But then again, who does?) Oh he is so precious and his parents are strong Christians and people for that matter. I just can't imagine having to watch my sweet baby suffer!
His website is

My point in this is, don't wait to tell those you care about what's on your mind. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.


Gaston Family said...

I couldn't agree with you more!! Tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
Love ya,