I have been tagged with a “who are you?” game. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people, posts their names, and then leaves a comment on their blogs, letting them know they've been tagged.
What was I doing 10 years ago? I was single and working for a local opthalmologist, living with my girlfriend Beverly. I was living it up going out all the time ( Kristina and I were totally different people then)
Five things on my to-do list today:
1. Get caught up on bills
2. Fill out WS application for KE
3. Do laundry
4. Take KE to Dr. Boldon ( I think she may have strep)
5. Meeting at church tonight
Five snacks i enjoy
1. cheese-its
2. cup of coffee with french vanilla creamer and a pkg of sugar in the raw
3. a rice cake topped with natural peanut butter and a few milk choc chips ( nuked in the micro)
4. carrots and ranch dip ( homemade Hidden Valley that is)
5. anything chocolate I have around
Five things i would do if i were a billionaire
1. Give Give Give
2. Pay off all debt
3. Invest
4. Purchase a second home or two ( hunting cabin and beach house)
5. travel
Five bad habits
1. Biting my nails
2. Letting the laundry pile up
3. going to Libby's to see the latest duds
4. drinking coffee ( i started drinking it only a few months ago and I must have a cup at least once a day)
5. wasting food ( you know, you thaw chicken out only to go out that night, and the next, and the next before you know it that chicken is bad)
Five places i have lived ( I have only lived in 2 towns)
1. Waxhaw Drive ( where I grew up)
2. girls dorm
3. Woodlawn Apts.
4. Gerald St
5. Sycamore St
Five jobs i've had
1. Sales assoc. at Stein Mart ( when it was downtown)
2. Nanny
3. Switchboard operator
4. Opthalmic assistant
5. Domestic Goddess (best job in the world!)
I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG)
1. Kristina Gaston
2. Amy Harmon
3. Amelia Crosswhite
4. Angie Stallings
5. Sarah Sabbatini
All Access to BG!
1 month ago
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