maybe I should go back to school and find a cure for migraines. We just spent $400 on migraine meds for me which will last maybe 3 months.
i love the smell of a clean baby, Torrey after he showers and shaves, and a clean house... I like clean things
people would say I'm outspoken, over the top at times, passionate about what I believe in.
i don't understand why people think it's ok to harm helpless babies and children.
when I wake up in the a.m. i'm usually not quite ready to get up.
i lost my willpower to eat right and exercise. I do good for about a week then , forget it! I love to eat!
life is a gift from God.
my past made me realize what I don't want to be.
i get annoyed when people say they will do something and then don't.
parties are not a good time to try out a new recipe.
dogs are sweet but I'm not a pet person even though we have a dog.I have 3 kids to take care of! I wish them no harm and hate to see any animal hurt.
cats are yuk and they won't stay out from under my carport.
tomorrow is hopefully going to be a day I don't wake up with a headache.
i have low tolerance for fake people.
i'm totally terrified of heights!
i wonder why we are never satisfied with what we have.
never in my life have I smoked pot.
high school was the worst and best times of my life.
when i'm nervous my heart beats out of my chest and I feel like everyone around me can hear it.
one time at a family gathering I was dissapointed.
live each day in thanks and praise.
making my bed is something that gets done maybe 4 times a week.
i'm almost always planning something.
i'm addicted to Fox news and the internet. This includes blogging, e-mail, research, Ebay.. to name a few.
I tag Kristina, Sarah, Memory and Lauren.
All Access to BG!
1 month ago
no pictures of me because i have gotten out of control and started weight watchers yesterday! i'll put up pictures in 10 weeks!! :)
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