Saturday, July 26, 2008

Last night I stayed in Brandon after our BBTN show so Kristina, Angie and myself decided we could use a girls night out. They took me to a really great place called Sal and Mookies?? Is that right? Before we went I think we took 100 pics. We kept taking them over and over because our arms were too fat looking, we had double chins, you know the drill. Anyway, I had a blast girls!

Kristina and I have been great friends for around 9 years. Angie married her brother, Briesh and she is a wonderful addition to an already wonderful family. I just love her.


pieroni place said...

that is cracking me up about fat arms and double chins. we can cut off our arms in pics but the challenging chin has to be in the picture. y'all look great. shut yo mouf girl.