KE was so excited this morning about going to the first grade. I'm soooo glad. The boys and I walked her in but as soon as she hit the entry hall at the school, she took off! As I walked in, she had hung her backpack in it's proper place and found her desk with no problem. So I gave her teacher the rest of her school supplies and said bye. She was not interested ha ha I'm laughing becasue she was so focused on being there that she just wasn't paying attention to dear old mom. So many people have asked me if I was ok and the answer is OF COURSE! I'am thrilled that she is so comfortable. No tears here. I'am so happy to have an independent daughter... well, most of the time.
All Access to BG!
1 week ago
toooooooo cute. i dropped mamie off this morning and i usually get a kiss on the nose or something and i got NOTHING today. jumped right out and never looked back. could it be that her two best friends were walking in with her.
Yay KE!!
That is the cutest pic of KE! SHe def looks like she is ready for school!! MP will be in the 3's. SHe will be the youngest. Her birtday is the 24th of august!
You did good. I afraid I'll be in tears when Nash starts. She looks so cute!
i'm jealous--we don't get to pick our shoes anymore. that is where we added our, knee socks and bows. we've gotten stricter here because some people abuse the rules. anyway, that is a catholic school for ya. no complaints here though.
Love the puddle jumpers!! She looks adorable and so excited and happy. Isn't the first day of school the best? SO much anticipation and nervousness and excitement. Can't wait to hear how it was! Hey, I wonder if the boys will be as independent as KE. Walker is definitely more independent than Bry was at that age. I wonder if it's a girl thing??
I can't believe KE is old enough to be a "good ole WS!" Feeling old?! I am so glad she was comfortable. Now get ready for the homework!
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