As I grow older, I realize the importance of knowing and understanding politics. It wasn't that long ago when I would make comments like " I hate politics" Well, quite frankly, that was only because I didn't know anything about them.
Lately I find myself glued to the television trying to understand where each candidate stands on issues important to me and not so important to me. I watch mostly one network but I do flip to see what the other networks are saying.
This is my question of the day to you all....
What do you think about having a woman as the VP pick? Do you think it's a smart move for America? I want to know your thoughts! I might tell you mine long as you will still have me! :)
All Access to BG!
1 month ago
Oh wow, I generally say that I hate politics as well and I always say that I despise election years and I never discuss my views. Maybe I will one day get past that and grow up, but I do hate all the slamming and exaggerations that go on about the candidates. I do like hearing about their family lives and while I don't always agree with their platforms, I can generally see the points of both sides. I'm definitely not a hard core republican nor am I a die hard dem. I wish there was someone in the middle. :) I also don't believe that any of the candidates are the antichrist - despite the many emails that I get daily - I think that's hogwash. Palin - I really like her and I think she brings something real and fresh and normal to the table. Can we just pick her?
Like I said, I don't talk politics and I will be thrilled when it's all over...but, you did ask, you know. :)
after watching the speech lastnight i really like her.
I like her too and i am all for a woman running for office..
Well, I am definately a Republican!! I think that anyone who would go through so much for their country like McCain..would do anything he had to better our country! Palin is wonderful..I think she brings a lot to the ticket herself..she is just REAL!! A real mother that has her own issues like the rest of us. I personally think anyone that was on the fence as to who they were going to vote for could have made a decision with the speech that she gave!!! As far as Obama..well I think if anyone believes he is capable of running our country needs to reevaluate what our country was founded under...GOD!!! He doesn't believe in GOD and he doesn't even have enough Pride to wear our American Flag>>WHAT!! And he wants to run to the American Presidency!! Enough said>>>This girl will be voting for MCCAIN&PALIN!!!
i really like her. I think she was a very smart choice for McCain. I agree with alot she says. But, I can't help but wonder will she take the job that will take her away from her family and her husband. I do hope she and McCain win b/c I feel they are the best choice for our country, but we have to remember the design of the family God put into place. Is she taking the VP spot while causing her family to suffer????
Thank You so much for coming to the shower today!! I am sorry I did not get to visit more!Have a good week!
I have very strong political views and consider myself a die hard Republican. I think Sarah Palin has united a much divided Republican party. She has brought a breath of fresh air into the election. It is very upsetting to me to see her ability to lead the country questioned due to the fact that she is a woman that has a family. You would never have that question asked of a man. I think that her ambition and success are a great example for young American women who want both a family and a career.
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