I received an e-mail yesterday morning with a video link to one family's story of heartache and faith. It is so inspirational and so heart wrenching at the same time. Since then, it has made me think of alot of things...... I have NO right to complain about the smallest of "problems" --- God really does make everything work together for the greater good--- I want that kind of faith and trust in God.---
Okay, I'm warning you.... it will make you cry but it would be a shame not to watch and learn from this family's story that they feel they must share with YOU.
click here
All Access to BG!
1 month ago
Amazing video. So heartbreaking but inspirational as you said. While "blog stalking" sometime ago, I found their blog. Check it out if you get a chance. www.audreycaroline.blogspot.com Have some kleenex handy.
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