Thursday, August 21, 2008

Time for Reveal

Curiosity is getting the best of me and I want to know you! I have had almost 1000 hits in a month. Leave me a comment if you will and I can do the same for you!


Mauri said...

You know I'm here! btw - love all the recent pics. I bet you are the best Sunday School teacher!

The Ainsworth Family said...

i feel the same way. i don't know how to do a clicker thing though. i know people read, because they will say something to me at church or other places... oh, well.... HAPPY THURSDAY

The Hitts said...

you know i read.

Gaston Family said...

You know I check your blog at least 2 times a day!!! Hope you are having a great week.
Love you!

Catherine Clare said...

Thanks for your interest...go to and feel free to promote it for me!!!

The Weathers said...

I read it twice a day..

Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

i check regularly!!

E. Hooker said...

I check your blog probably twice a day. I love that you and Kate have the updated list of blogs on the right!

Jaime said...

LOL! I am here checking out what your family is doing a few times a week.

pieroni place said...

i always come by to read your side tracker thing to see who has updated their page and all. is that jaime f that left a comment too? she is becoming quite the online one these days...

The Ainsworth Family said...

you are too funny put a bow in her hair. i tried that yesterday and she said "MOTHER I LOOK LIKE A BABY". she has had her hair this way before and it was very cute with a bow, but i guess she is getting older and wants what she wants. i think a head band or something.

Shelly Powers said...

hey angela i am a friend of sherry sumners and i also work for bbtn with ashley... i love reading your blog. we don't actually have a blog but we have a website so you can check us out there. good to get to "know" you

Betsy said...

Hey angela, this is Betsy Dawson I linked onto your blog from Kate Hitts blog and I have enjoyed seeing your babies. I added you onto my blog and I would love for you to view it (no dot after the www)
Betsy Dawson

Allison said...

Hi! I still come and check in every now and then! Love all the new pics and your kiddos are precious!

Allison (Amelia's sister fro BBTN)

Ashley Eiler said...

i LOVE your blog..thanks for the precious pictures and fun things...thanks for sharing!