Okay, so today N had a check up appt this morning and I took W along so the good doctor could check him out as well. ( note: I didn't take him when I said I was b/c the rash started getting better and he had no fever)
N had a good report. White cell count back to normal. I the explained the rash episode to the Dr and he wanted to swab his throat just to make sure it was really nothing. It came back positive for strep!! Talk about feeling like a bad mama! Every other episode I have dealt with concerning strep has included a lasting fever. Not a 12 hour one?? Now W is on antibiotics. Poor baby. We ended up at the Dr for 2 hours and it wore me out. How in the world do single mamas do it? Every time I get stressed out with the kids b/c I don't have help, I thank the good Lord that I am not single!
I did get to meet T for lunch and by the time we were done, it was time for me to head to big school to pick up KE. I have learned quickly that I don't care to be in the way back of the carpool line so I leave a little extra early and sit. We take a snack and play good music.
Ke has her first spelling test tomorrow and I am excited for her. I may be a nerd but I loved Friday spelling tests in elementary. She knew her words the first night she brought them home so I'm not worried in that department. She has made a few comments about school such as:
"I feel like I am going to an office. We have to sit in our desks all day"
"Mama, it's too long. I want to go back to Kindergarten"
" There are 3 boys that I don't know and they are awful for my sweet teacher!"
"Can I have 6 quarters for milk at lunch? I need more than one b/c I get really thirsty"
" Can I skip today? I need a break!"
"My favorite things about 1st grade are Music, Art, Computer and Sarah Scott ( a friend who is in her class)"
Overall I think she is adjusting well. :) I remember the anxiety of 1st grade and how big the place seemed. It's a love/hate kind of thing right now.
During bath time the boys have loved playing with the alphabet letters we have and they actually know some of them. Even N. They will hold them up one at a time and take a stab at what it is. Most of the time they are correct.
ALERT If you are not familiar with the Delta water, don't be alarmed! The water IS clean!
N saying "O!"
W saying "Q!"